Star of Truth – mickelmas daisy essence.
Laser-like focus on the real truth of any situation. Very illuminating. Will reveal any discord. You will see everything with new eyes. It assists you to surrender to the Truth. It helps the ego let go of its resistance, of the need to be right, of how it thinks things should be, being attached to outcomes or the result. Begin to be the fullness of who you are. (High Desert Essence)
Cyndie Lepori says, «If you are in need of the highest truth in a situation this essence will bring it to light. Great for working with situations that involve people or situations where it is difficult to discern what exactly the truth is. It clarifies and simplifies any confusions that have arisen in a situation. Great to use when in a business situation where everyone has an agenda. It calms your ego and allows you to truly see the truth. It is made with the Michaelmas Daisy. It releases the ego’s need to be right for yourself and others. It releases the attachment to predetermined outcomes and allows you to see the deeper purpose of a situation. Great for use in forgiveness and releasing confusion in relationships.»
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