Lemurian Humpback Whale Essence
This beautiful essence was designed to help you connect with Lemuria and the Humpback whales of Mo’orea. The land of Mo’orea reminds one of the ancient sacred land of Lemuria where humans and nature lived and co-created in harmony with one another. It was a time of gentleness, Divine flow, and the feminine was considered sacred. In addition to drawing in the energies of the Humpbacks and the island of Mo’orea, Takara created this essence with a giant Lemurian starseed crystal, as well as several Larimar crystals in the bowl as well. Larimar (found only in the Dominican Republic) is also connected to ancient Lemuria.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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