This formula assists the user in overcoming fear of death and mortality. Most people live their whole lives terrified of death. When you realize (on all levels) that death is an illusion, that you are an eternal being having a temporary human experience, and that you go on after this life, you are so much more free than ever before. Your perceptions, choices, and entire life is lived in a completely different, more joy-filled, more empowered way.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “This essence allows us to set ourselves free of the fear of death and accept with unconditionality our own mortality. It works on the emotional level to bring peace and tranquility to our lives and accept the cycles of life. It brings insight into what happens after death and the truth of who we really are as spirits having a physical incarnation and adventure. It allows us to be present and appreciative of our life.”Â
Some issues are just too negative to include as part of the name of the product. To address those issues, I created Dolphin Healing Formulas with each formula related to an issue of some intensity. They are identified by their various numbers. More details here.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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