Just one moment.
That’s all it takes.
To change absolutely everything.
It literally happens in the blinking of an eye.
Just one …
Divine encounter, past life memory, dream, or experience is all it takes to completely blast through the distortion and delusions of the fear-based existence most people live day in and day out.
When a person has that one Divine moment, all the pretense, the falsehood, the fear, the misinterpretation of the words passed down through eons simply falls gently away. It is the rebirth that religions talk about. I was 14 when it happened to me. I had another similar experience at 33 and now Divine moments are pretty commonplace in my life.
If more people could experience a life transforming Divine moment, there would be no more war. There would be no need for anger or hatred or condemnation. The fear of death would fall away. There would be empathy, compassion, and the desire to assist others rather than make them wrong. There would be only creativity and joy filled living.
Imagine how your life would change if you no longer feared death?
Those moments don’t happen by reading a book, praying, listing to ranting and raving and other emotional manipulations by a speaker. They happen, always, when you least expect them. And they are profound and they change your life forever.
There is no need to discuss whether abortion is or is not “right.” When you have experienced the Divine, you know reincarnation is real. You know you are eternal. You know that you have lived before and will continue on after this body returns to dust. So the whole conversation about abortion is based on a fear-based illusion that this life is all that there is and if you only believe in some savior, you get to move on. The soul coming into the body is as eternal as you are. It can not die. Just like all energy, it can not be destroyed, it can only change form. If it comes into a body that dies – for whatever reason – it simply comes into another body when the timing is right and the situation will suit its needs as an evolving being.
I find it “interesting” that those who are so adamantly against abortion have no problem taking up arms and killing people from another country or faith, killing animals for food, killing period. Yet the book says “thou shalt not kill.”
So which is it?
“For God and country” is a poor excuse to be brutal, unevolved, arrogant, combative, conquering, and territorial – to force your beliefs on others.
I absolutely know what God (what I call the Divine Presence) wants me to do, be, and experience in each moment. Sometimes its easy to live up to those inner promptings. And sometimes it is bloody hard. I have spent the last 20 years fine-tuning my ability to get the message clearly.
I don’t pretend to know what God’s plan is for you. That is between you and God and it is not up to me, some religion, some book, or anything else.
God is love. God heals. God is all knowing, all loving, everywhere and in all things. God does not have favorites and does not care if you are a card carrying member of this or that religion.
In the west, God is worshiped as a separate being. In the east, they are mostly concerned with the spark of Divinity within. The truth is, both are equally important. God is everywhere and in all things. There is also a spark of Divinity within you and within everyone you meet.
If you treat your own body as a temple, healing the emotional wounds and distortions you hold about things, your relationship with the inner and outer forms of Divinity will improve.
A time does come when you are in total flow. You have fine tuned your intuition and cleared your distortions to such a degree that you know what to say, where to be, and what to do in every moment. It is your Divine birthright to be in this Divine flow with the universe. However, someone can’t “fix” you and get you there. You can have all sorts of assistance. But there are many aspects to the spiritual evolutionary journey that are up to you. You will absolutely be required to forgive people you have not forgiven, do things you are uncomfortable with doing, and have conversations you are not comfortable having. Growth requires change and change is often uncomfortable.
The results are miraculous though – so the discomfort is definitely worth it.
There are those who spontaneously awaken to their spiritual gifts or take a class that turn on certain skills. They might suddenly have visions or be able to read things psychically or facilitate healing. This sudden awakening, without preparation, emotional healing, or energetic clearing often results in arrogance and distortion. I’ve seen so many readers and healers that fall into this category. You don’t want to be one of them.
Clear your space. Clear your mind, emotions and body. Become a pure vessel, a clear vessel, a pristine space where Divinity dwells. If you feel shame, blame, or victimhood, have not forgiven someone, feel hatred, judgment, and prejudice against others, then you have a lot of emotional work to do. That is what Dancing Dolphin Sacred Healing Oils & Mists are for. Let them hold you in a safe, high vibrational space that make healing easier on all levels.
Many blessings to you and your spiritual journey,
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