Learning to Live in the Moment
Live in the moment and embrace whatever comes your way that is in harmony with you.
I lived in NM and the greatest thing I learned there was that plans change.
People say they will do things and they don’t. They say they will show up and then something happens.
And if you simply look at if for awhile you begin to realize that all is as it should be. There is no point in getting upset because anger or sadness or frustration doesn’t unblock the road construction or fix the power outage or change the flat tire.
Worry, frustration, anger, or taking it personally causes stress which eventually leads to disease and it definitely affects one’s ability to make good rational decisions. So I tend (and try) to stay in neutral, observing what’s happening in my world without expectation, resistance, or judgment of the rightness or wrongness of it. Doesn’t always work. But most of the time it does.
I invite you to do the same.
Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature

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