People today have lost their nature connection. Instead of sitting on the earth, they now sit in a vehicle while stuck in traffic on the way to a building where they sit all day at a desk under artificial lights. 
I have never understood the mentality of abusing and mistreating others, animals, or the earth. Yet every day that goes on all over the globe. 
I cried for a week over the dead buffalo scene in … Dances with Wolves.
I believe strongly in the Golden Rule, “treat others the way you wish to be treated.” As I’ve stated many times, “others” for me include not just people, but animals, plants, the land itself. I’ve never been able to see color or species as a separator. I just see beautiful unique individuals all deserving of love and respect. Of course, I’ve had spontaneous past life memories of being native, African, and animal. Everyone on the planet seems to be “my people.”
I remember introducing my then in-laws to some of my native friends when I lived in Santa Fe. After spending time with them, my in-laws commented that they had never met anyone with the level of peace these people exhibited. They had that to say about me as well.
From my teaching (what I’ve received directly from Source through what I call Divine Revelation), we are here to develop and master 4 relationships.
The relationship with:
1) self,
2) God (Creator, Great Spirit, the Divine Presence, etc.),
3) others (all others, not just other people), and
4) the earth.
Many people have lost all touch with the Earth and their nature connection. They also operate completely from their head and not their heart. It is a level of consciousness. Having a deep connection to the Divine requires that one develop a reverence for all of life, to develop a deep connection with nature and self, and come from a heart space rather than a purely intellectual one. It doesn’t mean you turn off your brain. It means you learn to get in tune with your feelings, your intuition, your connection with All That Is.
From that place, life flows differently. There is less chaos, confusion, and self-doubt and more love, grace, ease, and flow.
How to Develop a Deeper Connection to Nature:
  • hike (avoid places where there are lots of noisy people or motors disturbing the natural tranquility of nature),
  • sit on the earth or on a large bolder in silence and just feel and hear and see the beauty around you (even better if you sit on the earth inside a medicine wheel),
  • garden (organically of course), get your hands in the soil (no gloves) and feel the earth between your fingers,
  • go barefoot on the earth (never on ground that has been sprayed with pesticides and other harmful chemicals – never use toxic chemicals in your garden or anywhere else!),
  • place a bird feeder near a window and stop to watch the birds and other wildlife as often as possible,
  • kayak, canoe, raft, etc. (spend time on water without the distortion of motor noise),
  • anytime you see an animal, stop everything to watch it for awhile,
  • even indoors, listen to recorded nature sounds, fountains, or wind chimes,
  • begin to track the moon phases,
  • always make it a point to go out and gaze on the full moon,
  • spend a little time in the sun every day (never allow yourself to burn and avoid sunscreen if at all possible. That usually means you have to build up your time in the sun slowly day by day),
  • acknowledge the Spring and Fall Equinox, Summer and Winter Solstice (do something in nature – many people participate in drumming circles, sweat lodges, dancing, or sitting in silence in meditation, etc. on those days),
  • watch videos or documentaries that help you explore the various aspects of nature, and finally
  • join my Wild Dolphin Lovers group on Facebook to enjoy beautiful water, dolphin, and whale images, videos, and stories.
Connecting with nature is one of the 5 ways I recommend you develop personal mastery.
Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature
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Takara Shelor
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