Dancing Dolphin Essence of Sound Healing with Jonathan Goldman

The Essence of Sound with Jonathan Goldman

Roll on the Essence,
Listen to the Music,
Experience the Powerful Vibrations like Never Before

Takara finally discovered how to put Sound Healing in a bottle. The music is extraordinary. The essences are practically off the charts in vibration. When you put the two together – Wow! The synergy can’t be expressed in words. You simply have to experience it for yourself.

“Takara’s Essences of Sound are outstanding. We’ve used them in large groups of people and they really seem to assist in the frequency shifting experience, adding even more vitality and loving energy to the consciously encoded sounds we either listen to or create.”– Jonathan Goldman, Internationally renowned pioneer in Sound Healing

Takara with Jonathan Goldman Holding Dancing Dolphin Healing OilsJonathan Goldman Takara with “Holy Harmony” Essence of Sound

Jonathan Goldman is author of “Healing Sounds”, creator of “Chakra Chants”, president of Spirit Music and Director of the Sound Healers Association.

Each year Jonathan and his delightful wife, Andi, lead a multi-day sound healing intensive. They often have participants use the Dancing Dolphin Sacred Healing Oil Holy Harmony during the workshop. This is a comment by one of their participants:

“If you read the Gospel of Mary Magdelene, it says that annointing someone with oil is higher than water for baptism. I am claisentient. I feel the beauty and sacredness of your mission. I certainly did have life changing experience during the Holy Harmony experience. Seriously life changing! Bless you,”
– Frances Michael