Why Wordpress Sometimes Kills my Creativity

Grrrr … WordPress is NOT my favorite program. Every other breath a plugin needs to be updated. It “breaks” on a regular basis and takes hours, if not days, to fix what seems like a simple problem.

The box to leave a comment stopped working on my primary website. I FINALLY figured out why. But it took two days to figure it out. It was a conflict of plugins. I had “Social” and it wasn’t letting any comment plugin operate. It wasn’t even letting the default WP comment system operate.

WordPress isn’t new to me. I’ve been using it since 2010. For me its like pulling teeth. Every time there is an update something seems to go wrong. There are so many bells and whistles that this thing doesn’t know what that thing is doing. I know there need to be updates, etc. But it bugs the crap out of me when it takes hours and hours to fix a problem that wasn’t a problem yesterday. Having to read through forums and try a million things is a waste of my time. And that is what I don’t like. I have tons to do. Spending hours fixing a WP problem seems to happen at least every 6 months or so. I rarely get bent out of shape over things, but WP … that one makes me want to shoot the computer sometimes.

And that’s why I say it kills my creativity. I’d rather be creating new things than trying to troubleshoot something that recently was working just fine.

I’ve been designing websites since 1996. Talk about old school. I’ve used lots of different software to do so. And then more recently, I’ve worked a lot with Blogger and various social media platforms. None of those things ever have these issues. Its sometimes a challenge to get one of these things to do what you want. But once you have it figured out, it tends to stay that way.

WP is just this goofy thing that works one way one time and then it doesn’t work like that any more. An update made this not work. Or a plugin is suddenly incompatible. You have to do something else entirely to get what you already had working. That’s why its my least favorite platform. Too often I have to spend hours fixing something that wasn’t broken yesterday.

How about you?

Do you love it or does it drive you batty too?

Have a great day,

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Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature
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