Cyndie Lepori says, «This essence works on aligning the heart and mind energies. With an open heart, it is much easier to tap into higher frequencies to access the more heightened vibrational passions and remove the blocks and ideas that slow and halt the process. It opens your heart, connects you to the solar heart energies, and lends passion, creativity, openness, and love to all you create. If you have anxiety, it allows you to gently move past this mind-created block and renew your ability to make using your higher vibrations and love to activate the actions that are needed to create your best life with joy, love, peace, and creative outside the box thinking and limitations that the mind creates. It helps to create prosperity and put you in the position of finding your best paths to create the life you envision with passion and purpose. It heals the need to develop through power and control and activates a more loving allowance in your life that reduces stress and infuses joy into everything you do. Don’t work hard. Create joyfully.
From famous Oracle Shikiah Kaylor:
- “Question: How can I accomplish what my heart truly desires?
- Keywords: breaks through hesitations, clearing the pathway, being in the flow
- Affirmation: “I shatter my mental illusions and hesitations, allowing my heart to lead. I create my desires through love.”
Helps to connect your mind and your heart so they work together. Make decisions from a holistic viewpoint, not just the logical mind. Encourages creativity. For times of anxiety, helps to open up to your creative/intuitive side. Aids in magnifying attraction. Allows one to feel passion for life. Helps to feel more peaceful and in flow. Assists with having a heart knowing about what actions to take. (Mountain Essence)
Practitioner Advice – “If a person is used to creating through power and control, then creating from the heart is a very new experience. Working with Healing the Past along with Heart’s Passion will assist them in moving through those issues and creating by following intuitive guidance and experiencing synchronicity.”
As you continue to evolve – Amplifies the passion, the energy, the creativity of creating from the Solar Heart.
As you evolve to an even higher vibration – Being total passion, joy, love, and creativity. Brings in all aspects of the universe from the place of prosperity within love.
Made with California Fuschia.
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