Gold BioElectric Shield

For those people who consider themselves to be hypersensitive to electromagnetic devices and negative people. This is the model Takara wears.

About this Shield:

Strongest protection – does ALL the protection, strengthening and balancing of energy that the silver with gold tab, but imagine it’s at a 99.99% level.

  • Very Strongly Protects your brain and body from radiation from cell phones, computers, wireless networks, etc.
  • Deflects unhealthy negative energy including negative emotional energy from situations or people. You’ll find you can just step back and observe the negativity without being swept up in it.
  • Balances your energy (including your chakras) – you’ll enjoy the smooth, happy feeling that comes with this level of balance
  • Sharpens your mental skills, including focus and concentration – helps you come up with new ideas and easier ways of doing things
  • Boosts your immune system – enjoy greater resistance to “what’s going around”. Heal faster.
  • Tremendously lowers your stress by deflecting any unhealthy energies that deplete your physical and emotional reserves.

Recommended if you:

  • Desire to attain peak performance
  • You want the best protection available
  • Very sensitive to other people’s emotional energy
  • Work long hours with computer
  • Too much to do all the time
  • Very high stress